Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Post Article on Hillary Clinton

More news and speculation about Mrs. Clinton today, and you can see from the conjecture that she’s the front-runner. When the name Hillary Clinton and 2008 get mentioned together it sucks the oxygen out of the political air. None of the other Democratic candidates can get a breath in otherwise or get their message out to the voting public.

The Post article leads with “Senator’s Platform Remains Unclear”. What worries me the most about the Senator from New York is her willingness to use force abroad. Questions on her judgment can be made for her unwillingness to renounce her 2002 vote authorizing military force in Iraq. That policy she voted for and supports today has been an unmitigating disaster by all accounts. There has been a tremendous error of judgment. As was discussed on the talk shows Sunday by various people, especially republican Senators, the Middle East is in disarray. There has been a squandering of our high ground in dealing with issues in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. We do face rivals and enemies from other countries but we need to wise and astute in how we approach these adversaries.

Al Gore continues to be all over the news. Pundits and news people are seeing first hand the outstanding support (“The Gore Boomlet”) he is receiving all around the country, and indeed the world, as Gore speaks out about the environment. The cover story on “President Al Gore?” in the New York magazine was spectacular. The photos of Gore present and past were quite interesting, but John Heilemann, who has covered Gore before, does an outstanding job writing this article. I especially liked his reporting on Gore’s trip to Toronto, Canada and their discussion about the 2008 election.

The 2008 election looks like it is going to be outstanding! Watch for Jeb Bush and Dick Cheney to make their move after the midterm elections. It wouldn't surprise me at all if John McCain hasn't already broached the subject of V-P to Jeb, in an attempt to keep Cheney from making his move. McCain made a special stop in Florida recently and I am sure he said something like, 'I think we'd make a winning team'.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Gore's Movie: Serious man with a strong message

The reviews are starting to come in now on Al Gore's new movie. Some people are saying that he missed his calling and others are saying that Gore is a great leader. It is true he's been out front on many issues over the years. His abilities have made republicans jealous. Often times you see their adolescent and immature nature come out as they attack Gore. Anyone who attacks Gore should sit back and reflect on how bad things have gotten in the last 6 years since the other side has taken over. We are now in wars around the world, our national debt is at record levels and our comparative advantages we once had are now in decline thanks to the policies of conservatives and republicans. We need a change. The direction these people are leading the nation is not positive.

There is good news however. Recent polls are showing that candidates like Joe Sestak and Lois Herr, both from Pennsylvania are doing increasingly well against their republican opposition. Outside polling in the Sestak vs Weldon race show a dead heat in the election. And Lois Herr is gaining on the devout Bush supporter, Joe Pitts from Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District. As more and more voters in that district see that a vote for Pitts is a vote for the Bush philosophy in Washington the more people are backing Herr for Congress.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Check out below these election results!

Daily Kos

Who do you support in 2008?
Joe Biden 38 votes - 0 %
Chris Dodd 15 votes - 0 %
Tom Vilsack 12 votes - 0 %
Hillary Clinton 70 votes - 0 %
Al Gore 6519 votes - 68 %
Mark Warner 314 votes - 3 %
Tom Daschle 12 votes - 0 %
Russ Feingold 1493 votes - 15 %
John Kerry 68 votes - 0 %
John Edwards 231 votes - 2 %
Bill Richardson 60 votes - 0 %
Wesley Clark 478 votes - 5 %
Evan Bayh 36 votes - 0 %
No Freakin' Clue 94 votes - 0 %
Other 67 votes - 0 %
9508 Total Votes

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Have You Seen These Two New Articles About Al Gore?

Two especially good news articles came out today about Al Gore. One shows up on page 3 of the London newspaper The Financial Times. The title is the catchy “Buzz around Gore fuels talk of another run for President”. Be sure to read it if you can. Donna Brazile is quoted in the piece saying, the voters “want someone with stature, experience and a passion for public service”. She’s right.

The other news article has another attractive title, Al Gore Hints at Presidential Run. In an interview Gore changes his wording just a bit which raises the question of whether he has now changed his mind and is considering a run for the Democratic nomination.

My sense is if enough of us organize, show our support and encourage Al Gore to run he’ll be interested. One thing sure, he’s the best candidate to defeat any republican.

Washington Post article Today on GOP Seats in Doubt

Interesting article on what's happening out there in the different congressional districts. They didn't mention a great race that is going on in Pennsylvania right now. This is the race in the 16th Congressional district which the Washington Post has not reported on but that's because it is below the radar. Lois Herr is running a terrific race against an extreme right wing congressman who hasn't spent much time with his constituents over the years. He seems to spend his time on issues that don't help his district; in fact, Congressman Pitts is just a rubber stamp for the White House and republican party leaders.

This is a good campaign for people to look at, and help out.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Howard Kurtz, a Washington Post Staff Writer, has put together an interesting piece of analysis and research on Al Gore, and the quest for the White House, in today's paper. Take a look at it today in the Post. I am much more upbeat about Gore and his chances of winning. My take on the election is simply this: if Al Gore runs for President he's going to win. And, he'll make it look easy against any of the republicans, including the likely nominee, Senator John McCain.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Al Gore on CNN Now!

Al Gore will be in Washington, DC

The buzz continues. Last night on MSNBC there was a long program about Al Gore and the idea what a better country we would have today if Gore had been the President the last 6 years. I have posted the Countdown with Keith Olbermann transcript here for you to read. It is pretty funny and very positive about Gore.

And, today there's a good overview of what Al Gore has been doing with himself the last few years and his potential. I keep saying if Gore runs he wins!

Go Al Gore!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

If you missed Al Gore on Saturday Night Live last night check this out!


He was really funny! Oh my gosh, how much better the world and the United States would have been had Gore been President these last 6 years.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Al Gore in the News

I've noticed that there is more and more buzz on Al Gore in the media. Most of the articles are objective and not those negative articles we are used to from prior times. Maybe the reporters and editors are second guessing themselves now, realizing that Gore would have made a much better President than Bush. The state of the world is pretty precarious right now with Bush in power.

One of the most interesting articles I have read recently about Gore was published today.
Here's the link to his piece, so check it out.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Now that I am back I was great to catch up on the news and see what's going on in Washington, DC.

Wow! Is there ever a lot going on!!

Porter Goss in trouble for going to the Watergate for games?

Howard Dean on the morning talk shows, on target and on point about the fall elections.

More trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan

And, Al Gore's new movie coming out in a few weeks. If anyone would like to go and see the movie together here in Washington, just let me know and we'll go as a group? The movie is playing in a couple of different locations and at different times. The early reviews are very positive about Gore's movie.

Finally, there's an interesting piece in today's Washington Post. It's on the 2008 Presidential election. Al Gore is mentioned in the article's side bar. But the thrust of the main article is about how bad a candidate Hillary Clinton would be for President. It also chronicals the weakness of the White House Clinton years.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sorry for not posting. Have been out of the country. Will get something up this weekend. Thanks for checking in.