Post Article on Hillary Clinton
More news and speculation about Mrs. Clinton today, and you can see from the conjecture that she’s the front-runner. When the name Hillary Clinton and 2008 get mentioned together it sucks the oxygen out of the political air. None of the other Democratic candidates can get a breath in otherwise or get their message out to the voting public.
The Post article leads with “Senator’s Platform Remains Unclear”. What worries me the most about the Senator from New York is her willingness to use force abroad. Questions on her judgment can be made for her unwillingness to renounce her 2002 vote authorizing military force in Iraq. That policy she voted for and supports today has been an unmitigating disaster by all accounts. There has been a tremendous error of judgment. As was discussed on the talk shows Sunday by various people, especially republican Senators, the Middle East is in disarray. There has been a squandering of our high ground in dealing with issues in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. We do face rivals and enemies from other countries but we need to wise and astute in how we approach these adversaries.
Al Gore continues to be all over the news. Pundits and news people are seeing first hand the outstanding support (“The Gore Boomlet”) he is receiving all around the country, and indeed the world, as Gore speaks out about the environment. The cover story on “President Al Gore?” in the New York magazine was spectacular. The photos of Gore present and past were quite interesting, but John Heilemann, who has covered Gore before, does an outstanding job writing this article. I especially liked his reporting on Gore’s trip to Toronto, Canada and their discussion about the 2008 election.
The 2008 election looks like it is going to be outstanding! Watch for Jeb Bush and Dick Cheney to make their move after the midterm elections. It wouldn't surprise me at all if John McCain hasn't already broached the subject of V-P to Jeb, in an attempt to keep Cheney from making his move. McCain made a special stop in Florida recently and I am sure he said something like, 'I think we'd make a winning team'.