Saturday, February 03, 2007

Two Issues Swirling at the DNC Winter Meeting in Washington

Lots of talk so far about two under the radar but major issues. The first is the DNC's endorsement of Washington, DC getting a vote in Congress. Right now the voters of DC don't have a vote. Howard Dean is going to support the effort to change this terrible situation. It is called the "50 State Campaign". Donna Brazile authored the resolution. See the story here.

The second issue is the date of the Washington, DC primary in 2008. It may be changed. Lots of talk about moving it up to the third Tuesday in January of 2008. It has been tentatively been scheduled for the first Tuesday in Feb. But it seems that date won't hold. The new date for DC looks like Jan. 15th of 2008. There are a whole bunch of States that are changing their primary dates too. If they move so should DC. DC shouldn't be on the same date as California for example. California would totally overshadow the DC election. Washington, DC has issues that need to be discussed. We also need to have the Presidential Candidates understand our situation. Al Gore has always been on the right side of the issues which face DC. Now, let's get the other candidates on record. If the leadership of the DNC wants DC to remain on the February 5th date then Howard Dean needs to come to the next DC Democratic State Committee Meeting on March 1st, 2007. The meeting is held in Room 400 of the Wilson District Building, starting at 7 PM.

Stay turned for more information on this rapidly changing situation.

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