Sunday, January 14, 2007

So Volatile Anyone Could Win!

The republican race for President in 2008 is becoming very exciting. Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel was on MTP today and did a very fine job and certainly distinguished himself as a viable and likeable candidate for the republican nomination. Hagel certainly has the background and experience to be President.

Today’s Washington Post has an article by former Clinton special counsel Lanny Davis proposing an odd nomination scenario. He’s talking about McCain-Clinton ’08, Obama-Hagel, and whole bunch of “provocative possibilities”.

I would doubt that any of these different combinations would ever come into being. The stakes are too high, but also, after analyzing the situation I think voters would wonder who was really in charge?

A likely combination which would be unique would be a Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich team. Gingrich is enough of a theorist that he’d think as Vice President he’d have a good chance of becoming President someday.

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