Branson Speaks About Al Gore
Al Gore and Sir Richard Branson went to breakfast the other day and Sir Richard ended up pledging $3 Billion to help alleviate global warming. There were several different postings on this agreement. The conservatives are upset about this and they’ve also posted some comments.
Conservatives do this for a couple of reasons. One, they know that if Gore gets the Democratic Nomination in ’08 he will beat any republican, including Senator McCain or George Felix Allen. They also know that no challenge, no matter how small, can go uncontested. Conservatives and republicans fight on every point, and they fight in all 50 States and every Congressional District. Howard Dean is right, the Democrats must do the same thing, and his 50 State strategy is working. The final reason is conservatives and republicans are having huge problems right now with their ideology. For years they said “let us have a chance to govern and you’ll see how well things will run with ‘conservatism’. Well, now after 20 plus years of conservative ideology making all the decisions we know how bad it is, there is NO peace or prosperity. The average American has lost a lot of their democratic rights, they’ve lost financially, and spiritually, the Nation is in a disquiet period. The
We will see in November if the republican control over the media, its tremendous financial advantage and the 20 years of gerrymandering all the districts across the