Thursday, June 29, 2006

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hundreds wait for Gore to sign best-selling book

Al Gore was in his home town yesterday for a book signing. More than 700 people showed up to get a book and meet Al Gore. The manager of the book store said he didn't expect such a large crowd and he was surprised. This hasn't happened since John Cash came to town.

The Washington Post and the National Journal have notes on what happened with the Democratic Party meeting in Washington this Thursday and Friday. This is important for Washington DC because at this party meeting officals were deciding which State would go first for the 2008 Primary & Causcus season. Check out their reports and let's hope that Washington DC is one of the early State/District to go. We need our issues discussed by the Democratic candidates for President, i.e. voting rights for District Residents, etc.

Washington, DC
should be selected as the second caucus after Iowa. It is a very diverse city and it is retail politics at its best! There is no need for big media buys. Go door to door, or attend a local ANC meeting and get to know great people, 60% are African American. Also, there are very few Republicans so they wouldn't be able to have a caucus themselves of any meaning, which would provide lots of attention for all the Democratic candidates. All voters are registered by party so there wouldn't be any cross-over voting by Republicans.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

So Sorry I haven't been posting - But there have been a lot of exciting things going on in Washington DC!

Yes, the campaign for America's Future - Take Back America has been going on the last week or so: June 12th to 14th. We been involved with this and its taken some of our time away from posting. But has it been exciting!

AlGore.Org had a table at the conference which I'll write more about later.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Al Gore Headlines Documentary Festival Luncheon. Almost President, possible internet inventor, and certifiably former Vice President Al Gore offers the conference keynote address at this year's AFI/Discovery SILVERDOCS FESTIVAL on Thursday June 15. The invitation only event will be held at the Silver Theatre at Georgia/Colesville Road in Silver Spring, Maryland. Not on the invitation list? Take your pick from over 100 documentaries and workshops being offered as part of this year's festivities. Workshops include "How To Write A Two Page Treatment And Pitch It!", and films include "American Blackout" (Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's examination of the disenfranchisement of black voters in the 2000 and 2004 elections) and "The Tribe" (the complete history of the Jewish people from the beginning of time... in about 15 minutes). For more information please visit www.SILVERDOCS.COM, or call 301-589-5685.

Saturday, June 10, 2006 is hosting a special conference call with Al Gore this Sunday at 7 p.m. EST / 4 p.m. PST. Gore will talk about what inspired him to make this movie ("An Inconvenient Truth") , and you'll have a chance to ask him questions. Can you RSVP to join us?

The call information will also be available at the above link.

This is a great chance to personally hear from Mr. Gore. It's sure to be a fun chat and I really hope you'll be able to make it.

Talk to you on Sunday

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Al Gore In The News

Several of us went to see the new Al Gore movie AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH last night in Washington, DC. We went downtown and the movie was sold out. We couldn’t get close to the theatre so we decided to go to Georgetown and see it there. That theatre was so crowded we almost could not find a parking place. We just got inside and the movie started. Wow, we had to sit in the very last row, there were NO more seats.

Of the group I went with, I am the only partisan ‘Gore for President’ supporter. But, it was interesting, after seeing the movie everyone I was with said they wanted Gore to be President! Each one of them was totally in love with the movie and Gore. I couldn’t believe it, and I was so happy about their reaction. Go see the movie, and take you friends and family! Go early because the theatres in Washington, DC are packed. Go see this movie and you will be very surprised at what you see. It is good!!

It is an optimistic movie. Gore shows that we can do something about the environment and our economy. It isn’t hopeless, and in fact, if we act as Al Gore demonstrates, we can have a better economic climate and environmental climate at the same time.

One part of the movie that I was greatly interested in was the part about the automobile industry in America today. Gore showed several graphs and charts of car production and pollution emission requirements. The Chinese have higher requirements than the US market. And, Ford and GM are losing market share because they are not keeping up with technology. Gore challenges the notion that holding our technology back and not being vigilant on helping the environment somehow helps our economy. Fighting pollution and unleashing technology’s potential to fight pollution and help us with jobs in America is the answer. Gore has the right idea on getting our economy back on track. American jobs (good jobs) will be created.

The former Vice President discussed Global Warming, and '08 Politics on ABC's ‘This Week'. He was great in that interview. Gore has heart and you can see how much he cares about these issues. He’s very honest and that may be a problem for him. Is the voting public ready for someone who tells it like it is and tells the truth? He spoke about his new movie, and about the war in Iraq. His comments on the war were sophisticated, because the war has become extremely complex. Gore said this, he’d like the troops to come home as soon as possible, but the US has a twin obligation. We have to make sure we don’t make the situation worse by leaving too soon. On the other hand we are asking so much of our men and women in Iraq we need to dispense with the Iraq issue quickly and get on with making life better here in the United States. Gore was against getting us into the war in Iraq in the first place. He was right from the start.

It has to be said that Gore would make a great President. He has the leadership abilities and has been right on the issues. For example: he was ahead of the curve on the War in Iraq, but he did support the war against Saddam when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Vice President Gore was also ahead of the curve on global warming. He had a great book written years ago called Earth In The Balance. As I’ve said he was out front on his opposition to the war, and an advocate for the Internet, which has changed the way we do business in America and impacted all of us. Gore is a great leader.

On this Sunday’s morning talk shows Gore was mentioned several times. It was mentioned that Gore would be welcome into the Democratic Party’s primaries and he’d add to the debate. However, timing is imperative. I want Al Gore to win so he should just wait for the right moment to enter the race.

One other issue, which people are talking about, is the Congressional Vote for the War, will it matter? Yes, those candidates who voted for the war in Iraq will have to face the music. Their vote will be a defining issue. It cannot help but be defining because it shows judgment, or their lack thereof.

Is George W. Bush the worst President of the United States we have ever had?