Sunday, December 31, 2006

Draft Gore Meetup’s Get Started in DC, Virginia and Maryland

Lots of news about the coming MeetUp’s locally. The emails are flying about how best to handle the MeetUp “opportunity”. A MeetUp isn’t as simple as it sounds. Plenty of organization and thinking need to go into arranging an event like this.

So far there has been lots of interest from three local areas. The Northern Virginia area has a group, as does the Maryland suburbs and of course the city of Washington, DC.

Be watching here for more information on where and when to attend. If you’d like information emailed to you just let me know at this email address:

Tomorrow is January 1st 2007. I’ll have a few predictions for the New Year so stand by.

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings to everyone! May you have a wonderful holiday time and the very best for next year - 2007!

This morning I got up and got the paper at the door, turned on the coffee and computer. But it is Christmas day so we had lots of other things to do. What a great day! Friends, family, food and drink, Christmas is a wonderful time. However, we are lucky! Much of the rest of the world is not so lucky. The Bush administration has helped create a world which is very unstable. In parts of the world right now it is a world at war. We need an Al Gore administration to repair the damage done by Bush and his minions. Over a fresh cup or two of coffee I took a look at how much is going on in the world.

In Colombia the (Farc) have waged a long term guerrilla war.

In Colombia - (Hostages) more people/civilians are taken hostage in Colombia than anywhere else in the world.

Democratic Republic of Congo has an on going civil war. About 3 million people have died so far.

Uganda has the Lord's Resistance Army fighting the Government. This has been going on for a long time.

Somalia, Ethiopian & Eritrea are involved in a major war now. This could really turn into a terrible situation for the West.

Israel and the Palestinians – of course this situation continues and the Bush administration has done nothing in 6 years to help the state of affairs.

Iraq – We all know about this war. When will our soldiers come home and we can repair our army, men and equipment?

Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan – this is a land dispute between two countries that still has lots of refuges.

Georgia – separatists want to break away from Georgia.

Chechnya – Again, separatists want to break away from Russia.

Russia – May become a bigger problem if it does not act responsibly.

China – Major world economy now, may exert influence as its military and economy grow. Can we keep China inside the box after the next world Olympics?

Afghanistan – You know about this problem. Bush and Rice took their eye off the ball. This is a major problem and the West can’t lose here. A lot is at stake.

Nepal – Communist rebels are fighting to overthrow the government of Nepal.

Burma – Continuing fighting so who's fighting who? The Karen National Union (KNU) is fighting for independence.

Laos – A legacy from Henry Kissinger there’s an ethnic Hmong have been waging a low-level war against the Laos Government.

Philippines – lots of islands and open land is ideal for various groups to be fighting the government.

All of these places are at war today! Thank your lucky stars that you are in a location which has peace!

Condoleezza Rice needs to take a moment and reflect on this administration’s abysmal performance on improving the state of the world. The Bush policies have created a more dangerous world after 6 years of being in office. Notice, I did not even mention Iran or North Korea, which are both playing around with nuclear weapons!

Al Gore is the only politician who has the experience and wisdom to deal with all these dangerous situations. We need Al Gore to run in 2008.

Again, Merry Christmas.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I couldn’t sleep this morning so I got up and got the paper at the door, turned on the coffee and computer. After a fresh cup or two of coffee it is amazing to see how much is going on in the world.

One of the first things that caught my eye was the story by Phillip Elliott of the Associated Press. What a piece of work this Elliott must be, because right off the bat he says in his article that “WASHINGTON - Al Gore claimed he invented it.” Check out the article yourself. Doesn’t young Phillip know this stuff? Why does the media keep repeating this falsehood? Is it propaganda or is it stupidity? Everyone knows that Al Gore said his efforts in Congress supported and helped develop the internet. This is well explained in one place, Gore Myths – GSC, which is an excellent web site.

Today’s Washington Post has a long article about the race for President in ’08. It is written by Dan Balz. Balz is a very pleasant and personable individual. I have met him a couple of times. He’s very courteous and even though he’s obviously busy and has a difficult and demanding job, with me at least he’s willing to politely chat for a few seconds.

His story today centers on who’s in the running for President. It is mostly about the Democratic nominees which is odd because both Parties have complete and open nomination processes this time around. (I am a little surprised that VP Cheney isn’t running…I think he wanted to but that hunting incident stopped those dreams.)

Balz’ article does mention Al Gore, along with Clinton, Obama, Bayh, Warner and others. Check it out here.

The Post’s Sunday Politics section has a little piece on Vilsack. The Iowa Governor has a compelling and interesting story about being adopted. He may find out soon more about his birth mother.

Season’s greetings to all of you, and I wish everyone a very happy new year!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Al Gore cracks up scientists in SF

I heard Al Gore tell this funny story once too. He apparently told it in SF this week. It goes like this. Al Gore was at an airport lining up with everyone else getting ready to board a plane. In the old days he flew on Air Force 1 with no lines.

While waiting there was a woman who walked by him, and then she turned around and walked back one more time. And then she turned and actually walked up to the former Vice President of the United States. He said hello to her. ``You know,'' she said, ``if you dyed your hair black, you'd look just like Al Gore.''

Friday, December 15, 2006 and Present:

See the Truth Movie Party

On Saturday, December 16, 2006 thousands of us are going to get together in living rooms around the country, watch the blockbuster documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," and press Congress to take action to solve our climate crisis.

If you haven't seen the movie, you have to. If you have, you can help raise awareness and push Washington to take action on the biggest crisis facing our planet. In America, political will is a renewable resource and together we can build the will to do what has to be done.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Is It Time?

Some folks have been contacting me about starting up a Meetup group for Al Gore here in Washington, DC. I am not sure if it is too early to start that or not? Some volunteers are still recovering from the November ’06 election let alone start up a 2008 effort. However, early planning is very important even if the next election is 2 years away.

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Now the Election is Over – Things are Starting to Happen

Mrs. Clinton has begun to make some moves on running for President in 2008. The New York Times article spells it out in this article. My sense is others have also begun moving on putting together a campaign.

My feeling is Al Gore supporters need to begin ramping up their efforts on behalf of the Vice President. And, Al Gore himself needs to begin reaching out to people beyond his circle.