Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Few Comments On Today’s Political News

Who was the character on TV who would say, “very interesting, very interesting”? Well, the reason I bring this up is, things are very interesting. The New York Times today has a piece on Jeb Bush. All along everyone has been saying that Bush is looking to run for higher office. The Bush family is an American Political Dynasty, and they know it. They have the most powerful supporters throughout government, the media and business. No other family has more power at this time in America than the Bush family.

It just shows you what the power of writing ‘thank you’ notes to people has in accumulating political strength. I say that because former President George H.W. Bush would always hand write notes to people who had done nice things for him or supported him in election campaigns.

The New York Times article is all about what Jeb will do in the future. It talks about rumors. Jeb will be the VP for McCain, or the VP for Romney. Rudolph William Louis Giuliani III would also take Jeb for VP if he got the nomination, but Rudy would also take the VP job for himself if offered. If he gets enough delegates he might be in the same position that Bush senior was in 1980. All his supporters wanted him to be the VP for Reagan. And it worked. We’ll see how this leaking of the campaign document impacts his efforts to organize a campaign. My sense is this won’t matter much.

The republicans will have a very interesting primary election of their own. I don’t believe for a second that McCain, at his age, has the endurance to run for President, or for that matter, be President. He’s not in that good of health.

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At Saturday, January 13, 2007 8:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep an eye on Senator Brownback. He's got the credentials to gain support of the GOP's right wing that currently controls the party and opposes Bush on Iraq. That opposition could neutralize much of the foreign policy debate in the '08 Presidential race since both nominees will take similar positions. GOP primary candidates who support Bush's Iraq policy (e.g. McCain, Guliani)are goners from the get-go, which is also why Hillary Clinton is problematic as a candidate given her past pro-war votes. Yes, Bush is such a disaster that he's taking down Republicans AND Democrats who went along with the debacle.

Al Gore, of course, never did so.

The only winning strategy for the Republicans in the wake of the disatrous fiasco of Iraq is to shift the debate to domestic issues. Brownback conceivably could be the one to do that. And Gore would be the best candidate to counter with a shift back to global issues, most importantly, climate change. His argument: America CAN reclaim its leadership position in the world by working to solve the most pressing issue facing the planet.

He'd beat Brownback hands down on that one.

At Saturday, January 13, 2007 11:23:00 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Outstanding posting here. I hope you will continue to post here. Great job!


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